The first validation meeting of the Steering group on CEDEFOP project "Thematic Country Review on Apprenticeship in Croatia" was held in the Ministry of Science and Education

The Ministry of Science and Education participates in the review of the apprenticeship in the Republic of Croatia within the project "Thematic Country Review on Apprenticeship in Croatia" run by CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) under which CEDEFOP monitors the progress of the EU member states in the development of priorities for vocational education and training, which are defined in Riga conclusions (2015) for the period 2015-2020.

The members of the Steering group for the implementation of this project are appointed by the Decision of the Minister and it consists of the representatives of the key stakeholders in the field of VET and apprenticeship in the Republic of Croatia. The Steering Group, in cooperation with CEDEFOP, operates with the research activities. It is actively involved in all review activities: they will identify the priority areas for the review and facilitate the delivery of results, collaborating closely with CEDEFOP team. The Steering Group also has a validation role of the review findings and it has to ensure the relevance and ownership of the review’s results.

The first validation meeting of the Steering group on CEDEFOP project "Thematic Country Review on Apprenticeship in Croatia" was held in the Ministry of Science and Education on 31 March 2017. The meeting has begun with the brief overview of the methodological approach and work done so far, as well as tasks and responsibilities of the Steering group and communication flows.

After that, the key points of the background paper, which includes the state of play of the work based learning in Croatia (enablers and challenges, gaps information) were presented by the FGB experts and validated by the Steering group.

The best ways to engage the main stakeholders in VET and apprenticeship, as well as the most appropriate formats and specific challenges in VET were also discussed with the Steering group.

The meeting ended with the presentation of the roadmap of the review and the next steps, as well as the latest developments and plans in apprenticeship in Croatia.

The next validation meeting is planned in winter 2017, at which Steering group members will discuss the findings of interviews and formulate possible solutions and policy recommendations.

Taken from: Hina

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