International cooperation and EU

Cooperation with a number of countries and foreign partners with which the Government of the Republic of Croatia, i.e. the Ministry of Science, Education and Youth, has not concluded international legal acts, is realized exclusively on the basis of direct inter-institutional agreements. In the light of globalization processes, the practice of concluding agreements on the governmental level is being abandoned; therefore, mostly highly developed countries support direct cooperation of institutions in the sphere of education, higher education, science and technology.

With the goal of faster integration of the Republic of Croatia into the European Higher Education Area and the European Research and Innovation Area, it is the Ministry's task to create prerequisites for the free movement of students, professors, scientists and researchers in the sphere of higher education and science, which is in the spirit of the European policy of creating a uniform education and scientific area.

The entire international cooperation of educational, academic and scientific institutions implies an exchange of various forms of scholarships in all categories, implementation of joint (scientific-research) projects, and organization of international conferences and seminars.