Croatian education minister attends WHO meeting on school classes

Science and Education Minister Radovan Fuchs has participated in a World Health Organisation meeting on school classes at the time of the coronavirus pandemic, presenting Croatia's return to school model, the ministry said on Monday.

The ministry said that Croatia had been selected as one of six countries along with Denmark, Germany, Israel, Turkey and Armenia to present their models of conducting classes.

"The meeting highlighted the importance of primary healthcare and put special focus on assistance to vulnerable groups in society and education and on protection of those at the greatest risk. All countries are faced with similar challenges, which is why international cooperation and gathering and sharing information on the latest research is of paramount importance," the ministry said in a press release.

More than 250 education and healthcare professionals took part in the meeting. It was the first in a series of meetings aimed at exchanging experiences and knowledge between European and world experts in the joint fight against the global pandemic.

Taken from: Hina

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