State Secretary Assist. Prof. Iva Ivanković, PhD, participated in the EU Competitiveness Council for Research and Space in Brussels, 23 May 2024

State Secretary Assist. Prof. Ivanković, PhD, and Director-General of the Directorate for Science and Technology Meštrić, PhD, participated in the EU Competitiveness Council for Research and Space, as well as the Space Council meeting, held in Brussels on May 23, 2024.

An exchange of views took place at the Competitiveness Council of ministers in charge of Space on the EU Space Law: safety, resilience and sustainability of the space activities in the EU. The debate emphasised the importance of the EU Space Law as well as the importance of space for strengthening the competitiveness of the European Union. In addition, the ministers in charge of Space approved the Conclusions on strengthening Europe's competitiveness through space, which were then subject to policy debate at the ESA-EU Space Council. 

At the ESA-EU Space Council meeting, attended by Director-General Meštrić, PhD, a policy debate took place on strengthening Europe’s competitiveness through space. During the debate, the Republic of Croatia supported initiatives aiming at supporting SMEs and start-ups, such as the CASSINI initiative. Furthermore, Director-General Meštrić, PhD, stressed the importance of international cooperation, but also the importance of joint projects between ESA Members and PECS countries. 

At the EU Competitiveness Council meeting for Research, ministers reached a political agreement on Council Regulation as regards a EuroHPC initiative for start-ups, approved the Council Conclusions on the ex-post evaluation of Horizon 2020, reached a political agreement on Council Recommendations on enhancing research security, and approved Council Conclusions on knowledge valorisation. In addition, there was a policy debate on research and innovation for advanced materials. State Secretary Ivanković pointed out national activities in the area of advanced materials such as the call for project proposals under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. State Secretary Ivanković also highlighted internationally competitive centres in Croatia, such as the Centre of advanced laser techniques, but also the importance of participating in the European strategic project - IFMIF DONES, worth more than 700 million euros.

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