Call for Expression of Interest - Technology scouts
Latest by: September 16, 2024
The Ministry of Science, Education and Youth (MSEY) publishes a Call for Expressions of Interest for Technology Scouts.
The Call for Expression of Interest seeks to establish a pre-approved list of technology scouts to facilitate knowledge transfer, foster industry-academia collaboration, and support the development of Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs).
Scope of Work
Technology scouts will:
1. Component 1:
- Undergo six months of hybrid training in innovation management and technology scouting.
- Provide technology scouting services, including business validation and PoC proposal preparation.
2. Component 2 (optional):
- Support the implementation of PoCs, offering services such as market analysis, feasibility studies, intellectual property management, and commercialization plans.
Eligible Profiles
- Type A: Professionals with at least three years of research experience.
- Type B: Professionals with at least one year of experience in technology and knowledge transfer.
Application Procedure
Interested candidates should submit their CVs by September 16, 2024, to, indicating their professional profile type. Selected candidates will be invited for an interview and are expected to start training in the last quarter of 2024.
More information is available in the CEoI document:
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