- Published : 23.11.2022.
Ministers in charge of space activities in ESA’s Member and Cooperating States discussed the agenda for the ESA for the next decade at the Ministerial Meeting (CM22) held on 22nd and 23th of November 2022, in Paris, France
Ministers discussed the importance of the agenda for ESA for the next decade and offer Europe a chance to tackle the upcoming global challenges with confidence.
The programmes proposed for subscription at CM22, be they continuation of existing ones or new programmes, as well as the new concepts behind the Accelerators, are contributing to increasing the strength of Europe for its economy, society and, ultimately, its citizens.Minister Fuchs had the opportunity to highlight the national space priorities. During the meeting, Minister Fuchs emphasized that Croatia concluded three national calls within the Implementing Agreement. The results have shown that Croatia has a great potential to use space technologies through companies whose focus is on the development of new technologies.
Finally, the Minister pointed out that Croatia is ready for the next step with ESA - signing the European Cooperating State Agreement and acquiring PECS status. In that sense, Minister Fuchs emphasized that the new Agreement will enable Croatia to boost innovation capacity and increase investments with the aim to create new knowledge and technology transfer to business sector.
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