- Published : 07.09.2020.
Education Minister wishes children a successful school year
Education Minister Radovan Fuchs on Monday sent a letter to school children, parents, and school staff and wished them a successful school year, with the message that together with its agencies, the ministry would provide support because "only by working together can we create conditions for the school that teaches."
May we be inspired by the positive aspects of returning to school, such seeing friends, playing, learning and gaining new knowledge, as well as the cognition that the school environment is key to developing children's development and personal integrity, where they feel best, Minister Fuchs said.
He wished school children to be enriched with knowledge and mutual understanding every day, in a school environment woven with friendship and respect, and teachers that, together with parents, will be a true support in their learning.
Addressing principals, Fuchs said that they are "the face of the school and we deeply trust your organisational capabilities." He added that together with their associates, they were creating conditions for a quality education system in schools, and that he hopes they will be ready to respond to all the challenges that emerge during the school year.
Fuchs also greeted teachers and experts who, together with principals, are the carriers and promoters of changes in schools.
He underlined the important role of non-teaching personnel, particularly in implementing the measures recommended by the public health institute and the ministry to create conditions for safe attendance in schools.
I'm also addressing Croatian citizens because it is up to us all to behave responsibly considering the epidemiological situation in taking care of ourselves and the community to keep safe within the school and outside it. Let's be aware of the changes we are seeing in everyday lives and let's not conceive these as obstacles but challenges, he said, appealing to everyone to adhere to guidelines and measures to protect the health of school children, staff and all personnel in education institutions and, indirectly, the health of our families and citizens.
Taken from: Hina