- Published : 26.06.2024.
Director-General Hrvoje Meštrić participated in the European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC) meeting in Bruxelles
Director-General of the Directorate for Science and Technology, Hrvoje Meštrić, PhD, participated in the European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC) meeting that took place in Bruxelles, Belgium, on 26 June 2024.
Four discussions were held during the meeting. The first topic of discussion was the ERAC Opinion on the next European Research Area Policy Agenda (ERA) 2025-2027, where the importance of a better understanding of ERA and a sensible approach and rationalisation of the EIP actions was highlighted. After the discussion, the opinion was officially adopted.The second discussion was held on the topic of Research and Innovation for Europe's competitiveness. On that occasion, Director Meštrić pointed out the increase in national investments in research and gave several examples of strengthening cooperation with the private sector at the national level.
The third topic of discussion was the Opinion of ERAC on the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10), during which it was pointed out that the Republic of Croatia will conduct public consultations and prepare a national position on the next Framework Programme. In addition, strategic policy orientations in the document were supported, in particular the need for more effective synergies between pillars, embedding of research infrastructures in thematic clusters and the early involvement of Member States. The need to empower Member States that are still lagging behind was also highlighted. After the discussion, the opinion was officially adopted.
The final discussion was held on Research Infrastructures as Strategic Investments. The discussion highlighted the importance of research infrastructures as the backbone of research and innovation as well as financing the transnational approach.
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