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Robert Napier, Social Dimension in Higher Education16.07.2019. | pdf (1652kb) | Upute | Održana početna konferencija projekta SIDERAL (Social and International Dimension of Education and Recognition of Acquired Learning)
Maria Keplinger, Social dimension in Higher Education: Austrian National strategy on the social dimension of higher education16.07.2019. | pdf (1228kb) | Upute | Održana početna konferencija projekta SIDERAL (Social and International Dimension of Education and Recognition of Acquired Learning)
Martin Unger, Why is there so little progress on the social dimension in the Bologna Process? Some hypotheses16.07.2019. | pdf (477kb) | Upute | Održana početna konferencija projekta SIDERAL (Social and International Dimension of Education and Recognition of Acquired Learning)
Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik, Strategies towards equity, diversity and inclusion at higher education institutions in Europe, INVITED project survey outcomes 16.07.2019. | pdf (1067kb) | Upute | Održana početna konferencija projekta SIDERAL (Social and International Dimension of Education and Recognition of Acquired Learning)
Anders Ahlstrand, Recognition of Prior Learning in practice: A EHEA Reform Project16.07.2019. | pdf (835kb) | Upute | Održana početna konferencija projekta SIDERAL (Social and International Dimension of Education and Recognition of Acquired Learning)
Barbara Birke, Recognition of Prior Learning as a Tool for Enhancing Inclusion: The Austrian Example16.07.2019. | pdf (249kb) | Upute | Održana početna konferencija projekta SIDERAL (Social and International Dimension of Education and Recognition of Acquired Learning)
Diana Šimić, Learning Analytics and Assessment in Higher Education16.07.2019. | pdf (2333kb) | Upute | Održana početna konferencija projekta SIDERAL (Social and International Dimension of Education and Recognition of Acquired Learning)
Aleksandar Šušnjar, Croatian National Plan for the Enhancement of Social Dimension of Higher Education16.07.2019. | pdf (828kb) | Upute | Održana početna konferencija projekta SIDERAL (Social and International Dimension of Education and Recognition of Acquired Learning)
Odluka o donošenju Smjernica za izradu Mreže školskih ustanova i programa odgoja i obrazovanja16.07.2019. | pdf (8173kb) | Odluke | (Dokumenti, zakonski i podzakonski akti) - 2. Osnovnoškolski odgoj i obrazovanje