Poziv stručnjacima zainteresiranim za rad na studiji Bologna with Students' Eyes (BWSE)
Rok: 24. srpnja 2020. do 16.00 sati
Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja (MZO) poziva stručnjake zainteresirane za izradu recenzije studije Bologna with Students’ Eyes 2020 (BWSE), koju izrađuje Europski studentski zbor sa svojim partnerima, uključujući i MZO. Dio nacrta studije BWSE 2020 recenzirat će dva recenzenta, a odabrat će ih MZO.Zadaće:
Recenzija nacrta BWSE (tri poglavlja svakom recenzentu) s upitnikom koji su proveli nacionalni studentski zborovi (NUS-ovi)
Recenzija kvantitativne analize podataka pribavljenih upitnikom
Recenzija podataka pribavljenih od NUS-ova o nacionalnom zakonodavstvu i obvezama preuzetima u sklopu EHEA-e
Usporedba rezultata s izvještajem Implementation report 2020 i preporuke za unapređenje BWSE izdanja
Recenzija analize i metodologije
Provjera referencija i usklađivanje
Izrada sažetka
Recenzija kvantitativne analize podataka pribavljenih upitnikom
Recenzija podataka pribavljenih od NUS-ova o nacionalnom zakonodavstvu i obvezama preuzetima u sklopu EHEA-e
Usporedba rezultata s izvještajem Implementation report 2020 i preporuke za unapređenje BWSE izdanja
Recenzija analize i metodologije
Provjera referencija i usklađivanje
Izrada sažetka
Profil stručnjaka/kinje:
Poznavanje Bolonjskog procesa
Stručnost i iskustvo u temama
C2 razina znanja engleskog jezika
Kompetencije u statističkim analizama i metodologiji studije
Poznavanje osnova Erasmus + KA2 projektnog sustava
Sposobnost rada na daljinu
Dostupnost za bilateralne sastanke s predstavnicima ESU-a i autorima poglavlja.
Stručnost i iskustvo u temama
C2 razina znanja engleskog jezika
Kompetencije u statističkim analizama i metodologiji studije
Poznavanje osnova Erasmus + KA2 projektnog sustava
Sposobnost rada na daljinu
Dostupnost za bilateralne sastanke s predstavnicima ESU-a i autorima poglavlja.
Zainteresirani prijavitelji svoje prijave (pismo iskaza interesa i životopise koji dokazuju ispunjenost uvjeta poziva) mogu poslati na:
martina.topalovic@mzo.hr do 24. srpnja do 16.00 sati.
Prijave moraju uključivati i prijedlog iznosa naknade za rad.
Izabrani prijavitelji počinju s radom odmah, a rok predaje recenzije je 15. rujna 2020.
The Ministry for Science and Education (MSE) is issuing a public call for the engagement of Researchers who are interested to work on Bologna with Students’ Eyes (BWSE) publication developed and issued by the European Students’ Union (ESU) and its international partners, among which MSE. The publication is to be reviewed by 2 Researchers engaged by and with support of MSE.
Tasks for the Researchers
a. Reviewing the draft BWSE (three chapters each Researcher) with the questionnaires from National Unions of Students (NUSs)
b. Reviewing the quantitative charts provided with the data from the questionnaires
c. Reviewing the data provided by NUSs with the national legislations and EHEA commitments
d. Comparing with the draft results of Implementation report 2020 and making necessary recommendations in the BWSE text
e. Reviewing the research analysis & methodology
f. Checking references and streamlining referencing
g. Creating an executive summary
h. Proofreading
b. Reviewing the quantitative charts provided with the data from the questionnaires
c. Reviewing the data provided by NUSs with the national legislations and EHEA commitments
d. Comparing with the draft results of Implementation report 2020 and making necessary recommendations in the BWSE text
e. Reviewing the research analysis & methodology
f. Checking references and streamlining referencing
g. Creating an executive summary
h. Proofreading
Ideal Researchers’ profiles
Overall knowledge of the Bologna Process
Expertise and experience on the topics assigned
C2 level of English
Capability of statistical and methodological analysis
Ideally an understanding of KA2 projects/ Erasmus Projects
Ability to work online
Availability to have bilateral meetings with ESU representatives, and possibly the authors of each chapter
Expertise and experience on the topics assigned
C2 level of English
Capability of statistical and methodological analysis
Ideally an understanding of KA2 projects/ Erasmus Projects
Ability to work online
Availability to have bilateral meetings with ESU representatives, and possibly the authors of each chapter
Interested candidates are required to submit a detailed CV and covering letter on martina.topalovic@mzo.hr. Applications should state the amount estimated for work on the assignment.
Selected candidates will be engaged to start work with immediate effect.
The deadline for this Expression of Interest is the 24st July 2020 at 16.
Deadline for submission of review is 15th of September 2020.